

Maturity days : 80
Plant height (ft): 5.5-6
Earhead length (cm): 28-30
Long, Compact & uniform earhead Uniform 4-5 tillers/plant Resistant to Downy mildew
Yield potential (qt/Acre): 17-18


Maturity days: 75 to 80
Maturity days: 75 to 80
Plant height (ft): 5-6
Earhead length (cm): 25-30
Long, Compact & uniform earhead Uniform 5-6 tillers/plant Resistant to Downy mildew Good fodder quality
Yield potential (qt/Acre): 18-20


Maturity days: 80-85
Plant height (ft): 6.0 – 6.5
Earhead length (cm): 30-35
Long, Compact & uniform earhead Uniform 3-4 tillers/plant Resistant to Downy mildew Good fodder quality
Yield potential (qt/Acre): 20-2


Maturity days: 75 to 80
Plant height (ft): 6
Earhead length (cm): 28-32
Long, Compact & uniform earhead Uniform 4-5 tillers/plant Resistant to Downy mildew Good fodder quality
Yield potential (qt/Acre): 20-22

BOND X-007

Maturity days: 80-85
Plant height (ft): 6-7
Earhead length (cm): 42-45
Very long, very Compact & uniform earhead Uniform 4-5 tillers/plant Resistant to Downy mildew Good fodder quality
Yield potential (qt/Acre): 18-20